Little Lights
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ ”
-Matthew 19:14
The EY2S Little Lights program is where we collect school supplies and look for ways to assist the kids in P.B. Young Sr Elementary School with homework and reading.

How We Serve
Last fall, we provided enough backpacks for every student at PB Youngs to start this virtual year off with a bookbag filled with age-appropriate school supplies.
This past Thanksgiving, we served 250 to-go meals with the staff and administration at PB Young Sr. Elementary to the Young Terrace Neighborhood.
This past Christmas, we put together gift bags for all teachers and staff at the school, as well as 40 Angel Tree gifts for kids that attend the school.
We are looking to launch our reading program in the spring, where we are going to help teachers and students by reading to kids.