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Summer 2022: Week 6 Gateway Bible Church

Our last week of the summer was with a church from Morgantown, NC. Gateway Bible Church has been a core member for EY2S trips since they first came in 2018. Connor Garrison, one of their youth leaders, came first as a student then came back as a summer intern and now brings his own youth group on summer trips.

The students from Gateway arrived to much joy and excitement. They jumped into the games and the prep work for the week. And Monday morning, everyone sat down to spend some time with Jesus before we went to serve His world.

This week was a little different (as it always is). Instead of a worksite project, the students ran two different Vacation Bible Schools! In the morning they went to Great Neck Baptist Church to partner with the youth group at Great Neck in hosting the church's VBS. We met these students back in week 3 of our summer missions and had been coordinating with them on when to hold this VBS. The VBS ran from Tuesday to Friday. The focus was God's love for people around the world. The students planned Bible stories as skits to teach the lesson. They prepared crafts. And put together a huge bouncy house. It was a major success and we are so grateful to Great Neck Baptist for the chance to partner with them!

In the afternoons, we all headed back to the Huntersville Rec Center. This was our third and last VBS with them this summer. We are going to miss those students. This VBS went from Tuesday to Thursday and we ended the week with some celebratory ice cream. Thanks again Gateway for an amazing week and your dedication to the Lord!

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