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Serving Our Inner City

Updated: Aug 20, 2020

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

The words of the psalmist ring more true than ever in 2018. The situation for residents of our inner-cities is dire: they are disproportionately represented in prison, unlikely to finish high school, unable to own a home, and unprepared to enter the adult workforce. This segment of America’s population is finding a way to survive…outside of the majority economy.

After spending years leading domestic mission trips to other parts of the country, we were no longer content to let someone else reach our own city. Neither were we content to conduct a one-week VBS in a housing project and hope for the best. The only way to effect lasting change in a community is through year-round, intentional contact with the Gospel.

Our partnership with local churches makes real change a reality. EY2S is a Norfolk-based, inner-city focused, mission organization designed to train young people to see (and meet) the need next to them. When students are equipped with practical tools and trained in the Gospel, the inner-city is radically changed. When we send them home, they are.

And isn’t that what we’re all looking for?

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